Tom Waits: A Sirisly Positive Review

Tom Waits
Bad As Me

Recently in my life I made two purchases that I was extremely excited about and even more pleased with. First and foremost, the new Tom Waits album. Hardly any album in recent days has excited me as much as this new Tom Waits album. My hopes had set the bar for this one extremely high, and Tom did nothing but blow my expectations out of the water. My second purchase I would like to discuss, was my decision to finally join the iPhone family. I’ve been regrettably and painfully stuck with a Droid for the past two years, and now I am glad to say those days are over. Now, in being so extremely excited with both new and relevant purchases of my life, I thought, why not combine the two. So believe it or not, this review is actually being dictated through Siri on my iPhone. I have not typed a single word of it on a keyboard yet. A lot of people (including myself) were skeptical of this program at first, so I wanted to test it out in a big way. And yes, I will be fair and give an honest update at the end about what I changed after my Siri experience. So hear it is, the world’s first (this stat has not been fact checked) album review using iPhone 4S’ Siri/Pages applications … why not?
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